File today and get your refund by Direct Deposit!

Filing your taxes has never been so
Fast, Easy & Secure!

IRS Approved - Join the millions E-Filing their tax returns!

Save time and money with our federal and state tax services. When you e-file taxes with Express-Tax-Return, you get the reliable security you expect from a reputable tax service business. It’s easy, fast and secure.

  • FREE Customer Support
    We know how nerve racking it is to file your Tax Return. We're here 7 days a week to ensure that your experience with is as Quick and Simple as possible.
  • Authorized E-file Provider
    We are authorized by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to provide E-filing to all our customers.
  • Privacy & Security
    Your privacy is important to us. We use the latest security technology to ensure that your personal information is kept safe and secure at all times.
  • File From All of The Fifty States
    We handle tax returns for all of the fifty states.